Friday, May 27, 2011

Photoment # 14 - Banff Days

It is fairly nice here in Halifax. Though it has been cloudy every day for the last two weeks and a lingering death fog never leaves we still have been skating alot. I just got word that in Banff Alberta they just got some snow fall yesterday. I was pretty sure that the weather here was bad but now I'm feeling pretty lucky. This photo was taken in Banff by Travis Tuckerman, gotta love him.

Friday, May 20, 2011


This video came up in conversation while skating the other day at the commons in Halifax. I went back and watched it today and pretty much had to put it up right away. Probably the best hang over cure ever..... or just a good time.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Curtis Rothney

Jake Parker- B/S Flip   Nate Oliver- B/S Noseblunt

Curtis takes amazing photos. I haven't known him very long but in the last few days I have seen some of his older pictures as well as his newest stuff and it is all breath taking. Curtis took the last photos I uploaded as well as these new two. I am sure there will be more to come in the future.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I have been handboarding just as long as I have been skateboarding. I have logged in way...way to many hours with this thing....hundreds. The music is Kitten Choir out of Halifax Nova Scotia.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Photoment #13 - Halifax

 I have never been huge on street skating. Not because I don't like to, just because I haven't ever had good spots to go to. Once and a while there is a spot that I enjoy going to, in Halifax however there are two spots on my street better than most I normally go to. This spot is pretty fun, alot better to skate during the day than at night, thats for sure.
Josh Gallant B/S Smith, Cail Reagh F/S 5-0
PHOTO: Curtis Rothney

Friday, May 13, 2011


Vaughn Knibbs went to the same school I went to. We keep in touch here and there and I am always stoked to hear from him. I came across this the other day and thought it would be a good idea to throw up here.  Check out his facebook and his youtube for more music and his new music video.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Photoment #12 - Goo Cross

I just recently moved in with an old friend Ian M. It is great to see the drawings he has been working on lately, they are truly great in my eyes. He has been drawing lots of drippy crosses lately. They inspired me to use red and black in better ways.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The latest addition to the Thundermouth videos. Andrew Hardingham is really fall out of your chair funny.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Scotty DJ

I miss Banff when I see all my homies doing great things. One of my first posts had this gent in it. Scotty DJ makes clubs bearable and is great to skate with. Props to Chris for the excellent photo and Scotty for flipkickin the bench. This spot never seems to get old. Siiiiick. for some more pictures.