Monday, February 28, 2011

The Barn Damn Ramp Jam

The Barn Damn Ramp Jam from Cailska Reagh on Vimeo.

Not getting to skate all winter is lame.
Luckily we have a mini ramp in a barn that we get to skate all the time. I have only been there a few times but I have had a blast each time. This video is from the lil Jam we threw there with some great friends and great tricks. You will find Evan from Limitless, Chris, Westley, and myself aswell as some other flames hangin out here. Check it out and get yourself a barn ramp!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Toby And The Splinter

2.5cm of Skateboard in the thumb.......

    I was taking my turn filming The Declan, Toby and Hamish when this happened. Toby launched out of the bowl when missing a grab caused the Chip and Daled nose of his board to hit his thumb. The chip was stuck 2.5cm in his thumb and he had to go to the hospital for 4 hours after it happened. Here is the photo of the chip, be glad it wasn't i n your hand.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


     With Battle At The Berrics 4 is coming soon. With that in mind I thought I would post my personal favorite the Berrics. Chris Cole Vs. Dennis Busenitz, an epic display of flatground madness.

That's The Go Photoment #3

Pole Jam Sydney Australia

This is a walk away from the fish markets in Sydney. This is right after I thought it was a good idea to skate on a boat. Who wouldn't think thats a good ides. A nice Sydney harbour shot with me skating a boat. It would have been really nice but some how my skate managed to find the one small exit off the boat into the water. There was no way to go in and get the skateboard either due to the large amount of jelly fish. I never got it back and had to get new trucks, wheels, and berrings. I recently just learnt that my skateboard was fished up by some random dude and it was all ready covered in barnicals. Thanks Luke "Ruttley" for the shot!

Monday, February 21, 2011

That's The Go Part 1

That's The Go Part 1 from Cailska Reagh on Vimeo.

This is the first of the Australian That's The Go tour videos. This skatepark is in Warrnambool Australia, a town near the Great Ocean Road where I lived for 3 months. There were some local kids who I befriended durring my stay named Declan, Toby, and Hamish, who are also in this clip. I hope you enjoy part 1 and be sure to check out part 2 when it comes out.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Shane O'Neill

                          Nollie 360 Inward Heelflip Fs180

It is taking me longer to edit the footage than I thought. I forgot that this week is basically Christmas for me because I haven't been home for several years for the event. I assure you that I am trying my best to get some footage up for your viewing pleasure. In the meanwhile, this is an Australian pro named Shane O'Neill. He is pretty insane on the skateboard as you will see from this display. You can buy one of his skate edits off Itunes for a buck that the berrics put out. Try to get ahold of it because it is bangin as they say.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Zef Style

                                                   Very Fancy

I am a fan of Die Antwoord but I hear alot of people arn't feeling the Zef Style. While I was traveling threw Australia I couldn't once change the music on my ipod, so, I ended up listening to the same 125 songs over and over. My 2 favorites that I circled threw were Diplo's Top Ranked and Die Antwoord $0$. It is all about the South African Zef Style rap , and if you didn't know, now you do know.

I just got my editing programs all sorted out finally so I am going to listen to some Zef Style and get to editing and hopefully have some footage up for tommorow. Enjoy the Zef, and maybe even go watch an interview with them, they will explain the zef.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Photoments #2

I know it is a bit late, or some may say, too early for Halloween photo's, but I am going to throw a Jack-o-lanturn shot up anyways. Last years carving, best I've done.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Photoments #1 (b)


I just stumbled apon this just now and thought that it was best that this photo accompanied the last. Same park and Dan as photographer. I really enjoy this photo because it looks like a movie still. The magic of Marcell.

Photoments #1

Marcell at Cochrane A.B.                          FS Carve in the deepness

I use to know a man named Dan Pelletier. Not only did he have a great camera, we was great to hang out with. In this photo by Dan, there is another person who is great to hang out with, Marcell. He knows how to shred bowls and quarterpipes alike. Simply a grand photo for the first Photomoments.

Monday, February 14, 2011

"That's The GO!"

"That's The Go" Australian Skate Tour from Cailska Reagh on Vimeo.

That's The Go was a phrase used alot at the Warrnambool skatepark in Victoria Australia. Over the next weeks I am going to be uploading a series of Australian clips from my travels over seas. There was lots of animals, skateparks, and good times. Though I knew no-one I managed to sort out some filming and now
am working on making it viewable. Hope you like the preview mate!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Great Ocean Road

When I first came to Aus I was told all it had to offer was shrimp and sun. O.K. maybe that's not all it has to offer. I found out soon after I arrived that it is as beautiful as I had been told. This is a photo of an amazing lardmark not far from where I am staying on a section of the coast called "The Great Ocean Road". This is The Arc which is one of many sights you should find pleasing to the eye. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Sorry for the bad news team but I am not going to be posting everyday as I planed. The access to computers is slim in this zone so I will resume posting all the great content when I return to Canada in 8 days. Stay safe and I hope to see you soon.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Home Again, Home Again

Well now. The whole reason I started this blog was to upload photos and video from my first adventures over seas. I suppose to do this you do need one important tool... a computer. I now have access to one again, but in 10 days am going back to Canada, so I am going to save all my video uploads until then so I can take time to edit properly.

This photo is at the Warrnambool skatepark. It's been my local skatepark for my trip, an old park but very good with great tranny and lots of fun to be had. Well too be honest there isn't much in terms of street stuff there but I was fine with that, gotta love quarters.

I have one little clip I am working on that I will upload in the week to come. Be sure to check back often as I am back up and running. Lata' Mate!